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Year: 1990

  • C. Gaspin. 1990. Approche connexionniste des problèmes d'optimisation combinatoires en variables bivalentes~: Traduction des contraintes. Thèse de doctorat, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • J. W. H. Liu. 1990. The role of elimination tree in sparse factorization. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 11: 134-172. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Meiri, Itay, Dechter, Rina, Judea Pearl. 1990. Tree Decomposition with Applications to Constraint Processing. In aaai90p. aaai90l. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Ken Satoh. 1990. Formalizing Soft Constraints by Interpretation Ordering. In Proc. of the 8$^th$ ECAI. Stockholm. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Edward P. K. Tsang. 1990. Applying Genetic Algorithms to Constraint Satisfaction Optimization Problems. In Proc. of the 8$^th$ ECAI. Stockholm, Sweden. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Ramin Zabih. 1990. Some Applications of Graph Bandwidth to Constraint Satisfaction Problems. In aaai90p. aaai90l. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]

Year: 1989

Year: 1988

  • Dechter, Rina, Judea Pearl. 1988. Network-Based Heuristics for Constraint Satisfaction Problems In Search in Artificial Intelligence, 370-425. Springer-Verlag. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Dechter, Rina, Judea Pearl. 1988. Tree Clustering Schemes for Constraint Processing. In aaai88p. aaai88l. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Hertzberg, J. and others. 1988. Relaxing Constraint Networks to Resolve Inconsistencies. In GWAI'88. Eringerfeld, Germany. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • J. N. Hooker. 1988. A Quantitative Approach to Logical Inference. Decision Support Systems 1(4): 45-69. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • M. Krentel. 1988. The Complexity of Optimization Problems. Journal of Computer and System Sciences 36: 490-509. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Kumar, Vipin, Nau, Dana S., Laveen N. Kanal. 1988. A General Branch and Bound Formulation for Or/And Graph and Game Tree Search In Search in Artificial Intelligence, 91-130. Springer-Verlag. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Lauritzen, S. L., D. J. Spiegelhalter. 1988. Local computations with probabilities on graphical structures and their application to expert systems. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society -- Series B 50: 157-224. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Judea Pearl. 1988. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems, Networks of Plausible Inference. Palo Alto : Morgan Kaufmann [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • A. Pothen. 1988. The complexity of optinal elimination trees. Pennsylvania State University. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]

Year: 1987

  • Collinot, A., C. Le Pape. 1987. Controlling Constraint Propagation. In ijcai87p. ijcai87l, August. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Dechter, Rina, Judea Pearl. 1987. The Cycle-Cutset Method for Improving Search Performance in AI. In Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Conference on AI Applications. Orlando FL. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]

Year: 1986

  • Van Emden, M.H., Okhi, M., A. Takeuchi. 1986. Speadsheets with Incremental Queries as User Interface for Logic Programming. New Generation Computing. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]

Year: 1985

  • S. Arnborg. 1985. Efficient algorithms for combinatorial problems on graphs with bounded decomposability --- A survey. BIT 25: 2-23. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]

Year: 1984

  • Hammer, P. L., Hansen, P., B. Simeone. 1984. Roof duality, complementation and persistency in quadratic 0-1 optimization. Math. Programming 28: 121-155. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
  • Tarjan, R., M. Yannakakis. 1984. Simple linear-time algorithms to test chordality of graphs, test acyclicity of hypergraphs and selectively reduce acyclic hypergraphs. SIAM J. Comput. 13(3): 566-579. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]

Year: 1983

  • Beeri, C. and others. 1983. On the desirability of acyclic database schemes. Journal of the ACM 30: 479-513. [More] [Bibtex] [RIS] [MODS]
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